

Divarella’s Journey and New Single ‘Older’: A Story of Resilience and Artistic Purpose

Divarella is an emerging artist with a unique voice and a remarkable story. A self-described songwriter and school dropout, she channels her life’s experiences and emotions into her music, turning moments of joy, sorrow, and everything in between into therapeutic creative expression. Through her songs, Divarella has found a place to explore life’s complexities and share her journey with the world. Her latest single, Older, perfectly encapsulates her artistic philosophy and provides a window into her evolving relationship with music and the path she has chosen.

Divarella’s creative journey began as a deeply personal pursuit. What started as a kind of musical diary—a way to process life’s ups and downs—eventually blossomed into a passion she realised she could pursue professionally. In her words, sharing her music has become her “sole priority,” an undertaking that brings her a unique sense of fulfilment. With each song she releases, Divarella has discovered a deeper connection to her craft, one that she describes as “wholesome” and difficult to fully articulate. For her, music isn’t just a career but a form of self-exploration and emotional release.

Her new single, Older, was born from an unexpected and emotionally charged moment. In the middle of the night, while she was working on another song titled Miracle, Divarella received a call that would leave a profound mark. It was a turning point, one that led her to pick up her notepad and pen and pour her heart out through tears. The resulting song, Older, speaks to the acceptance of life’s unpredictability and how age and experience often shape our choices. The lyrics reflect on the pressure society places on individuals as they grow older—particularly the notion that some dreams are meant only for the young.

This track carries a poignant message, a reminder of the courage it takes to hold onto one’s dreams in the face of doubt and discouragement. Divarella’s experience of being told that her pursuit of a music career was a “young girl’s dream” only served to strengthen her resolve. In Older, she grapples with the expectations imposed on her and, ultimately, reclaims her right to choose her own path. This song will be featured on her upcoming album, which joins a collection of other deeply personal works, each song serving as a testament to the trials and triumphs that have marked her journey.

Older showcases Divarella’s dedication to staying true to herself, a theme that resonates through her work and with her listeners. In sharing this song, Divarella reminds her audience that dreams do not come with an expiration date; they’re simply waiting for the right time and the right voice. And Divarella’s voice is ready to be heard.



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