

Jake Quickenden - Quarantine Song | Song Review

 Singer / Songwriter, Jake Quickenden, has released a new single titled 'Quarantine Song' all about the current COVID-19 pandemic. All proceeds generated from this single are being donated to the NHS who are working all hours of the day trying to treat all patients who have been diagnosed with the dreadful disease.

When I saw Jake was releasing this song, it made me appreciate Jake even more than I did before. During this pandemic, you can really see which celebrities want to use their platforms for the good and Jake is one of them.

The production of this song is so simple but packs a punch. The piano in the background really sets the tone. Even though the situation Jake is singing about is very serious, the comedic lyrics within the song puts some light into a dark situation. The vocals throughout are great, like always.

Everyone needs to buy this song, all proceeds go to the NHS. Do your bit to support them during this pandemic. Click HERE.

Overall Rating:




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