

Ashley Tisdale - Symptoms | Album Review

 Ashley Tisdale has finally released her highly-anticipated studio album titled 'Symptoms'.

This album has been worth the wait - I really love the whole album. Each song seems so genuine and true to herself. I can certainly hear the passion and feelings that were put into each of the songs. The album is very much Pop with a small hint of Bubblegum-Pop but that sound is coming back and starting to dominate the charts again. Ashley has also revealed that each song title is a symptom she struggled with when facing anxiety and depression.

The album starts with the albums title track, 'Symptoms' which has a really catchy beat and it is a really great way to start the album. It is about having feelings of anxiety when you it is the first stages of a new relationship after finishing a bad relationship. Such a relatable song and I am glad Ashley has decided to go down the personal, real and raw path with this album.

'Looking Glass' approaches the subject of someone not knowing the real her and needs a different perspective or 'looking glass' to see through her. The person seems to be struggling with what people are saying about her in articles or in person and the person is pleading for everyone to get to know her, the real her, not the person the media is portraying. This is a major struggle with society these days, everyone, including myself, makes an opinion on someone from one article you read, it is really bad.

'Love Me & Let Me Go' was the second single released from this album prior to its release and it discusses her struggle with trying to let her anxiety go. The songwriting in this song is outstanding, at first, it sounds like she is talking about a relationship with a lover but if you delve a little deeper, it is about a relationship but it is a relationship between Ashley and her anxiety. This proves that she is an amazing songwriter!

The next track, 'Insomnia' is all about the feelings you typically feel when you are missing someone - most probably her husband. The song takes you through the journey Ashley felt when she was unable to sleep and missing her loved one.
'Vibrations' is probably my favourite song from the album, it is so catchy and the production is perfect. The song talks about 'catching the vibe' with a loved one while chilling on the couch with a glass of wine. A more happier song meaning but still true to her.
'Under Pressure' is all about waking up and feeling pressure from people to get through whatever you have got going on. I find this song very relatable to me, sometimes I do feel very under pressure to complete certain tasks in day-to-day life or during work. It can be really hard. You feel stress from everything but you have to live your life your own way. 'True Romance' is about a relationship going though the up and down phases as every relationship does. Trying to get through the down parts can be really hard and can effect your mental health which is what Ashley is describing and telling through out the song.
The second to last song on the album is 'Voices In My Head' which was the lead song for this new era. I have done a full length review of this song (click here) but it is about Ashley's struggle with her anxiety and the voices that tell her that she is not good enough or she is doing something wrong.
The album finishes with 'Feeling So Good' which is such a great way to end the album! It is all about Ashley finally letting go of her anxiety and depression and she is feeling great. Everything is under control and she is loving life. 
What a roller coaster of emotions this album gives off. I absolutely love this album, it starts off in a dark place for Ashley but finishes on such a happy note. It is like you go through the dark times with her. A very clever idea for an album and I love the concept. She is making her fans aware of the symptoms but also letting them into how she was feeling. Not many celebrities show or go into detail about the dark times and that is why I really like this alum. It is so true, honest and raw.
Overall Rating:

