

Kygo & Rita Ora - Carry On | Song Review

  Kygo and Rita Ora have teamed up on the new single 'Carry On' which is from the original motion Picture of 'Detective Pikachu'.

I have recently become obsessed with Pokemon Go (I'm late, I know) and I am really wanting to see this movie. Anyway, this song is quite mellow, there isn't much going on and what I mean by that is, it isn't a overpowering instrumental. I think the beat really suits Rita Ora's voice.

It is a really good song. It isn't really a song I would have on repeat as I do find it a little boring but that is my personal opinion. I could see this song suiting the movie though. It has a vibe - it is hard to explain. Rita's vocals are smooth and really elevates the song.

Both Rita Ora and Kygo have really served on this tune but a little bit of improvement could be made.

Overall Rating:


